Gluten Free Chocolate Fudge Slice

Recipe submitted by Desiree on May 27th, 2009

Being Gluten Free it is difficult to find cake/biscuits that resemble 'normal'. This is fabulous!!

Prep time:   20 minutes
Servings:   1 slice

270g GF coconut biscuits (approx 1 1/2 pkts)
125g butter (unsalted)
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tbspns cocoa
1 tbspn coconut
1/2 cup sultanas
1 tsp vanilla
chocolate icing

Lightly grease a slice tin. Crush biscuits finely. Melt butter and sugar in a large pot. Add beaten egg stirring continually. Add cocoa, coconut, sultanas, essence and biscuit crumbs. Press into tin and cool. Make icing and spread over top. Cut into squares.

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