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Breathtaking Dawn

Photo submitted by: terryden on September 16th, 2009

Size:   2048 x 1536 pixels, 338.8 KB

Average Rating:   (6 votes)

The arrival of a new day. Foxton.

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  • posted on 1336555704 0
    Overall Rating: 10.0 / 10

    Very nice photogrpah capturing a sunrise and perfect for my project. Much appreciated.

  • posted on 1295554461
    Overall Rating: 9.0 / 10

    this shot takes me back to the farm when I was a kid and the rooster woke us up. so serene. I am using this image in a desk calendar.

  • posted on 1264597358 0
    Overall Rating: 8.0 / 10

    This is beautiful! I have enjoyed your photos..I especially like the sunset ones

  • posted on 1257393232 0
    Overall Rating: 9.0 / 10

    Nice photo. I've just been going through all your photos and you have a few beauties here. My favourite shot of yours is "Torrent of Colour".

  • posted on 1256290493
    Overall Rating: 8.0 / 10

    Love this shot Theresa, very well done. There,I found you now.

  • posted on 1253091351 1
    Overall Rating: 10.0 / 10

    I'm loving this photo! Breathtaking is right. The colour range captured in this shot looks so great. Seeing this photo has left me feeling inspired to get out there and take some photos myself. Thank you for sharing this exceptional photo.